What is CBD and how does it work?

CBD is short for cannabidiol (can-NAB-bih-DIE-all), one of over 80 compounds called cannabinoids (can-NAB-in-oyds) that are found in the cannabis plant. A number of cannabinoids are produced in the human body as well. Cannabinoids act on receptors found in the cells that are part of the body’s endocannabinoid system, a system that regulates key aspects of our biology. The two major cannabinoid receptors are:

  • Cannabinoid Receptor Type 1 (CB1): These receptors are found throughout the body, though primarily in the brain. These receptors are involved with mood, emotions, thinking, movement/coordination, appetite, and more.

  • Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2 (CB2): These receptors are found mainly in the immune system throughout the body. When CB2 receptors are activated, they work to reduce inflammation, soreness, aches and pain.

Although CBD is a cannabinoid, it does not attach to or directly interact with CB1 or CB2. Instead, CBD indirectly affects/influences signaling through CB1 and CB2, while also increasing levels of bodily produced cannabinoids. CBD does this by inhibiting the activity of a group of enzymes (cytochrome P450 enzymes) that are responsible for breaking down bodily produced cannabinoids (a.k.a. endocannabinoids)

When is the best time of day to take copa cbd?

It is perfectly acceptable to take copa cbd any time during the day. However, taking the product prior to bed may allow you to receive maximum benefits. This is because the body does the majority of its reparative and recuperative processes during sleep. Obtaining the best sleep possible is essential for maximizing recovery and for optimal health. Research has shown that cannabidiol greatly enhances sleep quality and duration, which is absolutely essential for maximizing recovery from exercise and for optimal overall health

Is it best to use copa cbd daily or only on occasion?

The full benefits of cannabidiol are derived from daily use, but can be used as needed for desired effect

Is there any “high” associated with copa cbd?

No. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound responsible for the “high,” is not present in copa cbd and is guaranteed to be 100% THC-free.

Can I take copa cbd along with melatonin?

Yes, copa cbd is a daily use supplement, while melatonin can be used either on a daily basis or as an occasional-use supplement. These two products are compatible because they act on different bodily functions.

Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally produced and secreted by the pineal gland, and vitally needed for a number of bodily functions, especially sleep. A number of factors, especially aging, decreases the body’s production of this all-important hormone, which is why supplementation is highly beneficial.

copa cbd contains cannabidiol isolate, which beneficially works with and influences the body’s endocannabinoid system, a series of nerves and receptors. Among numerous other things, the endocannabinoid system helps regulate sleeping patterns and augments the body’s natural production of cannabinoids, helping to ensure sufficient amounts are available to positively influence sleep.

What is the difference between the hemp oil liquid that I see at my health food store and copa cbd?

While they are derived from the same plant, they are two very different products that have completely different applications

Hemp oil liquid that you find at retail outlets like health food stores is in the same category as flax seed oil, olive oil, and other plant-derived oils. It is a source of omega-3, 6, 9 fatty acids, and is primarily used in salad dressings, smoothies and softgels to boost one’s intake of these healthy fats. 

These products are made from the seeds of the hemp plant, which contain very little of the beneficial cbd compound. copa cbd contains a cannabidiol isolate from hemp and is produced from the flowers and leaves of the plant.


Why is copa cbd so effective in helping reduce pain and inflammation?

Cannabidiol influences and activates the CB2 receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system. Research has shown that activation of these receptors greatly assists in significantly reducing pain and inflammation. 

CBD also influences a number of non-cannabinoid receptor systems in the brain, including opioid receptors, which play a role in pain regulation. 

It is extremely important to note that, unlike opioid drugs, the use of CBD does not have any dangerous dependence and/or tolerance buildup issues associated with it.